Saturday, September 3, 2016

How to setup a local SVN server

Following commands guide to set a local SVN server, this is helpful when you want to use a temporary SVN sever (eg: testing a cluster setup)

Creating the repository

(go to the desired path where you want to setup the repository)
svnadmin create <repository-name>

Setting up username and password

uncomment the following in <repository-name>/conf/svnserve.conf
  • anon-access = none
  • auth-access = write
  • password-db = passwd 
add the users in the <repository-name>/conf/passwd in the following format 
username = password 

Starting the SVN server 

svnserve -d -r <repository-name>

svn server will start on the default port 3690

Checking out the repository 

svn co svn://localhost/

Committing a file 

svn ci -m "adding hello file" hello.txt --username username --password password

Stopping the svn server

ps -ef | grep [s]vnserve | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9